[조은찬 목사 주일설교 352-S] 3.15부정선거 64주기- 회개를 거부한 남유다의 멸망과 4.15부정선거 국가적 죄악 회개촉구(예레미야 5:26-31), 예수선교회(Jesus Mission): https://www.missionchrist21st.com (대한민국:Seoul, Korea(South) [Rev. Cho Eunchan's Sermon 352-S[ 64th 3.15 Fraudulent election- The story about the fall of Judah who did not repent and urging the Korean to repent the national sin about 4.15 fraudulent election(Jeremiah 5:26-31) [주일설교 352-S..