[조은찬 목사 주일설교 321회] 선교주일-- 노아몬 멸망을 통한 니느웨 멸망의 교훈(나훔3 8 -11), 예수선교회(Jesus Mission): https://www.missionchrist21st.com (대한민국: 서울 Korea(South)
Rev. Cho Eunchan's Preaching: Lessons from the fall of Nineveh through the fall of Thebes(Nahum 3:8-11)
[조은찬 목사 주일설교 321회] 선교주일-- 노아몬 멸망을 통한 니느웨 멸망의 교훈(나훔3 8 -11), 예수선교회(Jesus Mission): https://www.missionchrist21st.com (대한민국: 서울 Korea(South)
Rev. Cho Eunchan's Preaching: Lessons from the fall of Nineveh through the fall of Thebes(Nahum 3:8-11)